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RAC Board of Directors

The Railway Association of Canada’s Board of Directors is made up of industry leaders from Canada’s Class 1, shortline, commuter, and intercity passenger railways. This ten-member board is responsible for the strategic and financial leadership of the association, and also approves all new railway and associate memberships.

Janet Drysdale

Senior Vice-President and Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer


Nathan Cato

Assistant Vice-President, Canadian Government Affairs

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC)

Olivier Chouc

Senior Vice-President and Chief Legal Officer


Brian Cornick

Chief Executive Officer

Cando Rail & Terminals Ltd

Chad Evans

Interim President & CEO

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission

Mario Péloquin

President and CEO

VIA Rail Canada

Gerald Linden


Southern Railway of British Columbia Ltd.

Rick McLellan


Genesee & Wyoming Canada Inc.

Phil Verster

President and CEO,


Patrick Waldron

Assistant Vice-President, Communications and Media Relations

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC)