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Operation Lifesaver

Every year, 2,100 North Americans are killed or seriously injured as a result of vehicle-train collisions and trespassing on railway property. Operation Lifesaver works to prevent these needless tragedies from happening.


Funded by the Railway Association of Canada and Transport Canada, and supported by the rail industry, governments, law enforcement agencies, municipalities and other organizations, Operation Lifesaver (OL) works to create safety-conscious attitudes toward railways, and to promote safe driving skills and adherence to railway signs and warnings.

Bringing the Rail Safety Message to Canadians of All Ages

Operation Lifesaver’s dedicated staff and network of Rail Safety Ambassadors across the country work to educate Canadians of all ages through rail safety events and presentations to schools, youth clubs, driver associations, snowmobile and ATV clubs and other community groups.

In addition to face-to-face outreach, OL uses cutting-edge technologies and compelling storytelling to get its rail safety message across. In 2017, OL launched its new Look. Listen. Live. campaign, which uses virtual-reality to “scare viewers safe” by giving them the shocking experience of being hit by a train. A year later, OL launched its #STOPTrackTragedies campaign which features the personal stories of people affected by rail crossing or trespassing incidents—including victims, friends and family members, locomotive engineers and first responders:

One Life Lost, is One Life Too Many

Operation Lifesaver is striving towards a vision of zero rail-related injuries and deaths, believing that virtually all railway crossing and trespassing incidents are preventable. Click here to find out more about OL and learn how you can help to prevent rail-related tragedies.