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Government Relations

The Railway Association of Canada’s (RAC’s) mission is to work with governments to ensure that the rail sector continues to be safe, competitive, and sustainable. RAC is known as an authority on issues related to the Canadian railway industry, and is regularly consulted by governments for its input on policies and regulations.

A credible voice for Canada’s railways

RAC’s reputation as a trusted advocate for railways stems from the fact that it collects industry data, commissions research, and uses this to develop evidence-based policy positions. The association shares this information and analysis with governments through formal submissions, appearances before parliamentary committees, educational campaigns directed at Members of Parliament and other elected officials, and annual events hosted for policy-makers. All of this helps to facilitate dialogue, and to inform governments about how critical railways are to our economy and to our standard of living.

Scroll below to review RAC’s latest submissions to governments:

Scroll below to review RAC’s remarks delivered before parliamentary committees:

For more information, please contact:

Lora Smith
Vice President Public and Government Affairs

(613) 564-8103