News Releases

House Transport Committee digs into Bill C-49

A letter by RAC President and CEO Michael Bourque concerning the use of Locomotive Voice and Video Recorders (LVVR) in Canada appeared in the Sept. 11 print edition of The Hill Times and online.

RAC remembers the Battle of Vimy Ridge

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) is today commemorating the centennial of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and acknowledging the contribution of Canada’s railway industry during the First World War effort. RAC is marking this pivotal event as part of its 100thanniversary celebrations happening throughout 2017.

RAC launches online Canadian Rail Atlas

One hundred and fifty years after Confederation launched the idea of a railway that would unite the country, the Railway Association of Canada (RAC) today unveiled the Canadian Rail Atlas, which allows visitors to explore that nation-building line and much more. RAC developed the Atlas as part of its 100th anniversary celebrations happening throughout 2017.