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Canada’s railways welcome upcoming Railway Safety Act review

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) welcomes the upcoming Railway Safety Act (RSA) review, officially launched today by Transport Minister Marc Garneau.

“We are anxious to participate in the review process and work collaboratively with the government and all stakeholders to enhance the safety of Canada’s railway network,” said RAC President and CEO Michael Bourque. “The process will allow us to foster a greater awareness of the initiatives Canada’s railways have undertaken to prevent accidents, and the areas that offer the best opportunities to improve rail safety.”

Canada’s railways will highlight rail crossing safety, the dangers of trespassing on railway property, and the importance of proper approaches to railway-community proximity issues as part of their submission to the federal government’s Railway Safety Act review.

Throughout the RSA review, the federal government will call upon RAC and its members to provide input on realistic ways to strengthen all areas of rail safety. The industry will highlight rail crossing safety, the dangers of trespassing on railway property and the importance of proper approaches to railway-community proximity issues, among other areas.

“The review’s chair and its panelists represent different communities and bring diverse points of view to the table,” said Bourque. “The three previous reviews of the RSA concluded that Canada’s railway transportation system is safe. Through a combination of regulation, public education and outreach, and sound public policy, we can get closer to our goal of zero accidents.”

Nothing is more important to Canada’s railways than operating safely. Railways in Canada must comply with the RSA, dozens of regulations and hundreds of safety rules as part of Canada’s regulatory system. In addition, RAC members have invested more than $24 billion in infrastructure since 1999 to maintain a safe and efficient network. This amount includes investments in railway-roadway crossings and innovative safety technologies to inspect and monitor track.



Alex Paterson
Railway Association of Canada

About the Railway Association of Canada

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) represents more than 50 freight and passenger railway companies that move close to 82 million passengers and more than $280 billion worth of goods in Canada each year. The RAC advocates on behalf of its members and associate members to ensure that the rail sector remains globally competitive, sustainable, and most importantly, safe. Learn more at railcandev.wpengine.com. Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.