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Keeping Trade Free, Moving North America’s Economy Forward

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON – A coalition of associations that represent the freight railways that connect North American economies is urging Canadian and American lawmakers to ratify swiftly the recently renegotiated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

In an open letter released this morning, Marc Brazeau, President & CEO of the Railway Association of Canada, and his American and Mexican counterparts called on Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, U.S. Congressional leaders, and the Mexican Undersecretary for North America to do what is needed to bring USMCA into force as soon as possible.

At a time of growing concerns about global economic growth, the letter makes clear that USMCA will benefit all three countries’ economies and citizens. It highlights:

  • The integrated nature of North America’s freight rail network;
  • The billions of dollars of investments rail companies have made into making the network more efficient; and,
  • The benefits of tariff-free shipping to Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans.

Since 1993, North America’s gross domestic product has nearly tripled to $23.4 trillion per year. Once implemented, USMCA will allow for growth and prosperity to continue for years to come.

The full text of the letter can be found here.


About the Railway Association of Canada:

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) represents more than 60 freight and passenger railway companies that move 84 million passengers and $310 billion worth of goods in Canada each year. RAC advocates on behalf of its members and associate members to ensure that the rail sector remains globally competitive, sustainable and, most importantly, safe. Learn more at railcandev.wpengine.com.

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For more information on this release, please contact RAC Communications at: communications@railcan.ca