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RAC urges Canadians to act safely around railway tracks and trains

OTTAWA – From September 23 to 29, 2019, Canada is marking the 17th annual Rail Safety Week—and the Railway Association of Canada (RAC) is taking the opportunity to remind the public that everyone has a role to play when it comes to preventing rail-related deaths and injuries.

“Crossing and trespassing incidents affect so many people—from the victims’ loved ones, to the locomotive engineers and first responders involved, to entire communities,” said RAC President and CEO Marc Brazeau. “Rail Safety Week is a chance to work together to help prevent these tragedies by reminding our family, friends and neighbours to be rail safe.”

This year, Operation Lifesaver (OL), a national rail safety program co-sponsored by Transport Canada and RAC, is launching five new public-awareness videos as part of their ongoing #STOPTrackTragedies campaign. Each video tells the personal stories of people who have been affected by rail crossing or trespassing incidents. The videos are a harsh and powerful reminder for Canadians that taking risks near railway tracks and trains could cost them a limb, or even their life.

Every year, approximately 2,100 North Americans are seriously injured or killed when they engage in unsafe behaviour around tracks and trains. Rail Safety Week is a way to help stop these needless incidents from happening by educating the public about the risks. Throughout the year, RAC also advocates for increased rail infrastructure funding, fewer grade crossings and widespread municipal adoption of the FCM-RAC Proximity Guidelines, among other measures.

Please join RAC and OL in marking this year’s Rail Safety Week. Help us to encourage Canadians to heed these rail safety tips, watch the #STOPTrackTragedies videos, and share OL’s rail safety messages with their friends and family using #STOPTrackTragedies and #RSW2019.  It could save a life.




For more information:

RAC Communications

Additional Quotes

“Our goal with #STOPTrackTragedies is to show that making an unsafe decision around railway tracks and trains—whether it’s to play on railway equipment, use tracks as a shortcut, or even glance at your cellphone at a crossing—can have devastating consequences for you, your loved ones and members of your community,” said Sarah Mayes, National Director of Operation Lifesaver Canada.

About the Railway Association of Canada

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) represents more than 60 freight and passenger railway companies that move close to 84 million passengers and more than $310 billion worth of goods in Canada each year. The RAC advocates on behalf of its members and associate members to ensure that the rail sector remains globally competitive, sustainable and, most importantly, safe. Learn more at railcandev.wpengine.com.  

About Operation Lifesaver Canada

Operation Lifesaver Canada is a national public rail-safety program sponsored by Transport Canada, the Railway Association of Canada and its members, including CN, CP, VIA Rail, Metrolinx, exo, West Coast Express and Genesee & Wyoming, among others. Through its national network of Rail Safety Ambassadors, partnerships with safety councils, police, the trucking industry and community groups, and innovative tools such as its virtual-reality Look. Listen. Live. campaign, Operation Lifesaver Canada works to save lives by educating Canadians about the hazards of rail crossings and trespassing on railway property. Canadians can keep up-to-date on the latest rail safety news by visiting operationlifesaver.ca.