Message from the President – February 2025
First and foremost, it is both an honour and an exciting opportunity to step into the role of President and CEO of the Railway Association of Canada. With Tariffs being implemented and federal elections around the corner, the Association is asked to react quickly and engage in a manner that support the Canadian economy. It is in that context that I began my new role and met decision-makers in Ottawa, including Ministers Anand, MacKinnon and MacAulay, as well as industry leaders and RAC members from across the country. As a strong voice for rail, RAC understands the need to ensure that our industry remains a solid link to market for our customers.
Canada is a vast country with a relatively small population and its success depends on our ability to move goods, resources and people across great distances, efficiently and predictably. Through investments made by Canadian railways across North America—tens of billions of dollars—access to markets was facilitated and remains key, especially in the current environment.
At this time, and more than ever considering the U.S. trade measures, Policy must foster market-driven solutions, not interfere with the forces that allow our economy to grow. The need to encourage private capital investment in the Canadian supply chain requires the proper fiscal framework that would introduce accelerated depreciation for all participants in the supply chain. In addition, project approvals could be fast-tracked without sacrificing adequate mitigation of environmental impacts.
Labour remains another key issue. While we fully support policies that enhance safety and rest for our employees, recent changes to leave requirements and work-rest rules are reducing efficiencies without clear benefits. The government must ensure that new regulations do not undermine the collective agreements already in place and that any changes to work-rest rules are backed by science, not political expediency—especially when winter conditions make operations even more challenging.
I look forward to continuing this conversation with you, learning about the challenges and opportunities that face Canada’s rail industry, and ensuring that the voices of our members are heard in every critical discussion. My sense is that the more I hear from you, the more our advocacy truly represents your interests. Please reach out to me to provide your views.