Home / News Releases / Canada’s railways respond to 2018 TSB Watchlist

Canada’s railways respond to 2018 TSB Watchlist

Through the Railway Association of Canada (RAC), the industry works collaboratively with government officials and stakeholders to ensure Canada’s railways maintain their record as the safest in North America.

“Nothing is more important than safety, and our industry continuously works with the Transportation Safety Board (TSB), Transport Canada and other stakeholders on ways to improve railway safety in Canada.” said RAC President and CEO Marc Brazeau.

Safety is the highest priority for Canada's railways.
Safety is priority one with Canada’s railways.

Recent safety improvements, highlighted on previous TSB watchlists, have been made with the use of on-board video and voice recorders and the transportation of flammable liquids by rail, thanks to significant collaboration among railways and government.

Today, the rail industry’s success rate at clearing TSB recommendations stands at approximately 90 per cent – the best of all transportation modes in Canada.


Michael Gullo
Railway Association of Canada

About the Railway Association of Canada

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) represents more than 50 freight and passenger railway companies—railways that transport more than 84 million passengers and more than $280 billion worth of goods across our country each year. RAC also counts a growing number of industrial railways and railway supply companies in its associate membership. As part of the fifth largest rail network in the world, RAC members are the backbone of Canada’s transportation system.