France Daviault, CEO, Canadian Apprenticeship Forum
France (pronouns she/her) is the CEO of the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, the only organization in Canada that brings together apprenticeship stakeholders from all trades, all sectors and from across Canada to share information and promising practices, identify challenges and propose joint solutions.
France is a strong supporter of apprenticeship as a viable and equitable educational pathway in Canada, and an advocate for greater inclusion of under-represented people in the skilled trades. She has served as an advisor to various federal departments on numerous committees and roundtables representing apprenticeship stakeholders from across the country and represents Canada on the Trilateral Forum on Workforce Development in North America. France currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society of Association Executives and is a member of the Thought Leadership Committee of Workplace Pride Canada. France holds a Master’s degree in International and Intercultural Communication from Royal Roads University, is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) and a Certified Knowledge Management Practitioner (CKM).
France is also a proud officer in the Army Reserve of the Canadian Armed Forces.