
CP’s hydrogen locomotive: The next step in rail evolution?

What’s the next chapter in the history of rail? Modern trains are already models of efficiency and innovation. But CP is pushing the envelope with one of the building blocks of human life: hydrogen-powered trains. And they could play a role in Canada’s decarbonization efforts while moving goods from coast to coast. CP’s hydrogen-powered locomotive […]

Dillon Consulting: Necessity is the mother of invention (and innovation)

  The word “innovation” enjoys a privileged position in the modern lexicon, connoting almost exclusively positive meanings. It symbolizes progress, forward-thinking, and creativity — attributes few could argue are bad. But when we dive into specifics, “innovation” in the rail sector can look different depending on whom you ask. For some, a project isn’t innovative […]

AGAWA CANYON TOUR TRAIN : A journey of epic scenery and sustainability

The Agawa Canyon Railroad is a tourism rail operator based in North Ontario. Operating spring to fall, it departs out of downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Agawa takes visitors on a 114-mile (183 km) journey through the rugged beauty that is exclusive to the region. A wholly owned subsidiary of global transportation services provider Watco, […]

Michael Kaufman: Talkin’ ‘Bout A (Gender Equality) Revolution

Michael Kaufman is calling for a revolution – one whose time has come.  “The last 8,000 years have been about affirmative action for men; we need to accelerate the pace of change,” he says in an interview from his Toronto home. “We need to overturn male-dominated, patriarchal societies not to flip them on their head […]

Associate Member Profile: Siemens Mobility Limited

Rail innovation involves safety, sustainability, and technological efficiency. When it comes to passenger rail, it also involves particular emphasis on the digitalization of rolling stock and communications systems, customers’ on-board experience, and aesthetics (in urban centres especially).  Global companies like RAC associate member Siemens Mobility Limited. are investing in Canada in hopes of shaping the […]

Ontario Northland: Supporting the Economy through Innovation and Safety

There’s been a lot of attention in recent years on Northern Ontario’s economic potential. Dubbed the ‘Ring of Fire Region’ by some, Northern Ontario is rich in critical minerals that are needed around the world. Economic development efforts will depend on improved rail service. RAC member Ontario Northland will play a big role in supporting […]

Small Saskatchewan Town a Testing Ground for Rail Innovation 

Unity, Saskatchewan (population 2600) is like many towns that dot the landscape of the Canadian Prairies. It’s located at the intersection of two highways. It’s also at the junction of two rail lines. The telecommunications tower at Unity’s rail station is serving as a test site for a concept seeking to support the continuous improvement process of rail reliability and efficiency. In this case, the focus is to improve advanced rail communications in rural and remote Canada.

Associate Member Profile | Wabtec

Wabtec is a leading global provider of equipment, systems, digital solutions, and value-added services for the freight and transit rail sectors. Offering “transportation solutions that move and improve the world,” Wabtec has more than 27,000 employees working in more than 50 countries. The company calls its employees “architects of the future.” And innovation is at the core of a value system aimed at “raising the bar for safety, quality, talent, and value.”

Member Profile | Essex Terminal Railway

An innovative approach to track inspections by Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) is proving not only that a picture is worth a thousand words, but also that visual reports can save time, money, and even lives.

Member Profile | Tshiuetin Rail Transportation, Inc.

Tshiuetin Rail Transportation, Inc. is a Railway Association of Canada member that is making history with every trip. Created by the First Nations of Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam, Matimekush-Lac John and Kawawachikamach, Tshiuetin is the first railway in Canada to be entirely Indigenous-owned. Tshiuetin offers critical rail services between Sept-Îles, Québec, Emeril Junction, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Schefferville, Québec. James Berubé is the Director of Operations for Tshiuetin.